Surrogate Mothers
Do you live in the Chicago area or within driving distance? Want to be a surrogate mother? Please email Parenting Partners for information about prospective matches in the area.
Couples Wanted
Are you an infertile couple in the Chicago area in need of a surrogate to carry your baby? Please call (847) 782-0224 to inquire about available surrogates registered with Parenting Partners.
Egg Donors
Thinking about being an egg donor? If you’re 18-27 and in great health and in the Chicago area, please email Shirley Zager for a referral. We’ll try to help you get on your way!
Potential Parents
Happily married mature couple has embryos ready to go! If you are from Illinois, settled down and stable, do not drink, smoke or do drugs, are a healthy weight and have had no problems in pregnancy/delivery and have your own health care plan (not the medical card), please call Shirley at 847-782-0224 for details. Up to $35,000 and expenses paid.